For physical training is of some value,


Weekly Meetings

Once a week we come together in community to play sports and join in engaging discussions. Get to know us while we play games like soccer baseball, dodgeball and basketball. Our discussions are centered around faith based topics, relevant issues that you might be facing in your life on and off the field. We do our best to answer any of your questions and invite you to join us. A community of student athletes who face the same challenges and triumphs you do, and who can help support you throughout the year.

  1. ultimate frisbee players

but godliness has value for all things,


Hurdles are short devotionals dealing with issues relevant to your life as an athlete and believer. Or if you're not a believer but want to know more these groups are a good place to start. Once a week we'll meet to discuss the topic of the week. A good time to get to know the people in your group better.

  1. Tuesdays
    12:30 - 1:30PM
    OttawaU Main Cafeteria
  2. Wednesdays
    12:00 - 1:00PM
    Carleton U
  3. Thursdays
    10:00 - 11:00AM
    OttawaU Multi Faith Room

holding promise for both the present life


If you’re curious to know more about the whole Christian thing but not sure you want to come out to a large group gathering or just have a very busy schedule – no problem. We’re flexible and we’d love to take you out for coffee and get to know you a little better. We’ll answer any questions you might have, share a bit of our story and the impact Jesus has made in our sport & life and take time to walk you through what the whole Christian thing is about. Fire us off an email, to either or and let us know you’re interested and we’ll figure out a time that works for both of us.

  1. ultimate frisbee players

and the life to come. - 1 Timothy 4:8