Do you not know,



National Training Camp

Since 1988, athletes have been gathering together to better understand the relationship between faith and sport. Combining in-class instruction with competition application, the National Training Camp is designed to address this issue.

Whether you are a recreational athlete, or hard-core, this camp is for you! Learn in an environment created for the athletically-minded. Understand the specific issues athletes face. Be challenged to raise your level of faith, on and off the field. And see yourself and competition through the lens of God. The culmination of NTC ends with the “ultimate” test…a 24-hour multi-sport marathon known as the S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

Connect with great people and staff from across Canada. Join thousands of other athletes who have seen NTC impact their lives and sport in a profound way.

  • Parliament hill
  • people smiling
  • group of smiling people
  • group of smiling people
  • huddle

that in a race all the runners run,


Are you looking for an exciting few weeks of using your sport to reach out to the world? Do you feel God calling you to a deeper relationship with him and you are unsure how to get there? Get involved in one of our tours or projects and continue your discipleship journey. With multiple opportunites in a variety of sports we're sure you'll find somewhere God can use you.

AIA Tour Opportunities

  1. ultimate frisbee players
  2. ultimate frisbee players
  3. ultimate frisbee players
  4. ultimate frisbee players

but only one gets the prize?

Winter Retreat

Calling all Hockey Players, help us defend our title! Not only is AIA’s Winter Retreat is a time for student-athletes to get away from campus, connect with other colleges and universities and grow in their love and faith in Jesus Christ; it's that time when we battle it out on the courts in our annual ball hockey tournament.

  1. ultimate frisbee players
  2. ultimate frisbee players
  3. ultimate frisbee players
  4. ultimate frisbee players

Run in such a way as to get the prize
1 Corinthians 9:24